
Thursday, October 25, 2012

HNAC Day 25: Mummies

Hi guys!

Today I have another challenge day for the Halloween Nail Art Challenge hosted by Glitter Obsession and it's mummies! I knew exactly what I wanted to do today and for once it actually transferred to my nails pretty well! Take a look all :)

Colors used:
- Finger Paints Paper Mache
- Kiss Black Striping Polish
- Ms Pedicure Red

Pretty cool right? :) Then I thought how cool would this look mattified?? And you guys know I couldn't resist! :)

I have to say I'm really digging how these look mattified :) And my pointer finger really isn't yellow on the edge I'm not sure why it photographed like that -_- Oh well!

So what do you guys think? Do you like shiny or mattified better?

Thanks for reading and check out all of the other challengers below!! :)


  1. Those are so darling! The matte makes them look a bit dusty, like they just crept from their tomb.

    1. I didn't even think about it like that but yeah I guess it does! Thanks so much! :)

  2. I love how piercing their eyes are.

    Really nice!

  3. How cute are they? Love them. i like them shiny better.

    1. Thank you! :) I'm still undecided which way I like them better but I was leaning towards shiny :)
