
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Momma nails to the rescue!

Hi guys!

So I totally didn't have any time last night to paint my nails T.T I'm so glad I have a few pictures saved up for just this occasion so today you will be seeing some more of my momma's nails! 

I think I told you all this before but my mom is the DBA for an elderly home and the other night she was taking her secretaries out for dinner and a meeting and she wanted something fun and work appropriate at the same time with a little Halloween mixed in for good measure ;) 

I figured an accent nail would be subtle enough for her so I started by painting all of her nails black and then on all but the ring fingers I put a layer of Pure Ice Heartbreaker over the black and Oh. My. God. was it beautiful!! I'm new to the whole layering thing and I'm experimenting with all different colors. This one is definitely a keeper though it's so pretty! For the accent nail I pulled inspiration again from the Youtuber I follow: IHaveACupcake, if you guys haven't checked out her channel yet I highly recommend it she's awesome! And I came out with this design check it out! :)

Colors used:
- Sally Hansen Black Out
- Orly Decades of Dysfunction
- Pure Ice Heartbreaker
- Black Acrylic Paint
- White Acrylic Paint

Look at that green shimmer <3

So gorgeous right?! I love her accent nail with the little.... Elvira I think? I think that's who that is LOL

What do you guys think??

Thanks for reading :)


  1. Well, obviously, I like them! Hahaha!

  2. I love the effect of Heartbreaker over black! Very pretty and your BOF is cute!

    1. OMG isn't it?! It's so weird how the polish looks like a really pretty light blue and only slightly green in the bottle but once put over black it turns into a gorgeous emerald green! And thank you!! :)

  3. Love that green, beautiful colour :) Found through the #bbloggers blog hop :)

  4. So cute!!!! And nice job layering!!!!

    1. Thank you!! :) I'm so hooked on layering now lol :)
