
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Mish Mash Challenge: Hot

Hello cupcakes!

Are you ready for another Mish Mash Challenge day?! I am! Today's theme is hot and I wanted to come up with something fun and bounced between a few different ideas. At first I wanted to do some fire nails but I've done those before and I really wanted to do something new. Then I wanted to do a thermomenter that went across all of my nails but my index nail isn't straight so those kind of designs don't look good on my nails -_- Finally I thought, "eggs frying on the pavement!!!" LOL Why not right? 

I decided to run with this idea and surprisingly it was pretty simple to do.

I started with a base of Color Club Beyond on all of my nails. Then I took white, light grey, yellow, and orange-yellow acrylic paints to paint on the eggs. On my thumb I used red, orange, and yellow acrylic paint to create the word 'hot'. I finished off with some Poshe and this design was all done!

I want to start getting more creative with my photos... I just always love how some bloggers get so fun with their pictures! So hey... egg nails.... egg photo... why not? LOL

Ehhh photos could use some more work lol! Any suggestions on how to get creative with my pictures? 

Anyways, I'm pretty proud of these nails because they are so much fun!! 
What do you guys think?

Don't forget to check out everyone else's designs I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with! 


  1. funny manicure :) and also cute!

  2. I think this idea is super fun and creative :D Plus you did some flames and thermometer (sort of) too, all in one! I love them, really! Your eggs look amazing ^^

    1. Awww you are too nice lady thank you so much!! :)

  3. Great nail design! On the picture side I thought u could find something to hold and have it as the running theme for a month, perhaps less, a week? Then find something else to use. Maybe a toy car or bottle of perfume? Hope this gets ur mind ticking!

    1. Hmm that's a really good idea!! Thanks so much lady!! :)

  4. Uhmm, it looks delicious - what a fund and well painted mani!!

  5. Haha this mani is just so fun and awesome! Your eggs look so good... it's making me hungry for some eggs. :)

    ~ Yun

    1. LOL They made me a bit hungry too! Thank you so much Yun!! :)

  6. All you need is some SPAM & you'd have breakfast! LOL Very likey! <3

    1. How did I forget the SPAM?!?! Lol! Thanks so much Inky lady!! <3

  7. This is so cute and funny. I would never thought of that! The eggs look so realistic! Amazing job!

  8. LOL, these are too cute! And I really appreciate the theme as someone who lives where we can fry eggs on the sidewalk! I've never tried using acrylics, I may have to. And that egg is huge!

    1. You can?!? Lol! I've almost been able to around here this summer but I've never actually seen it! I like to use acrylics because they don't dry as quick as nail polish does. Thank you so much Dionne!! :)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Oh my gosh! This is so stinking cute! I love it, so creative!

  11. LOL! This is really creative - LOVE it! I'm getting jealous of your nail art capabilities, too!

    1. You are too sweet!! Thank you so much lady!! :)

  12. ROFL!! This is the best, most awesomest idea ever! Love it!!

    1. LOL thank you so much Michelle!! :) I love trying to get a little creative here and there!

  13. Those are sooo HOT Kristine! I love the eggs and I love the thumb, too! The flames are darn perfect!

    1. Aw you are too sweet thank you so much Simona!!! :)

  14. Great idea! I thought they were flowers but the egg frying is fantastic! Nicely done

    1. They definitely remind me of flowers too lol! When I look at them from far away sometimes I get confused ;) LOL! Thanks so much lady!! :)
