
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

So Blue Without Snow

Let it snow! On my nails anyways ;)

It's no secret I'm not the biggest fan of winter... or a fan at all, but one thing I do like is the snow. I love to snowmobile and cross country ski so snow is a good thing around here. Annnnnnd it's supposed to snow today! So why not paint my nails accordingly? 

I started with a base of Color Club Over the Moon. When that was dry I created the gradient using Color Club Over the Moon, China Glaze So Blue Without You, and Maybelline Color Show Navy Narcissist. When that was dry I took some white acrylic paint and a toothpick to create the dotted gradient to resemble snow. I finished off with some Poshe top coat and I'm ready for the snow!

I'm hoping to get snowed in today so let's see how that goes! If not at least I've got a snow storm on my nails ;)

How do you feel about winter?
Thanks loves :) 


  1. The base for the snow is stunning!

  2. Oh likey!
    Since our snow rarely lasts more than a day & pretty much never more than a week...I like it! LOL

    1. Lucky!! I just want it all to disappear!! LOL Thanks so much lady!! :)
