
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Getting in the spirit!

Good morning polish friends! :)

So all of you are about to find out rather quickly that I absolutely LOVE Christmastime! Everything about it: shopping, buying presents, fighting the crowds, snow, Christmas music, and just the general attitude of everyone. I just can't get enough of it! Although I always wait until after Thanksgiving to start listening to Christmas music ;) 

BUT since it's now after Thanksgiving I'd like to present you all with my first Christmas design of the year!! :)  

Colors used:
- Color Club Berry & Bright
- Finger Paints Well-Cultured Pearl

*sigh* my ring finger got all wrinkly! I just can't win lately!! LOL oh well :) I literally can't stop staring at these! They remind me so much of candy canes its a miracle I haven't licked my nails yet ;) I used Bundle Monster BM-207 for the stamp, it's such a perfect stamp for this! I wish I had taken a pic of my thumb tho it's really cool because the design only goes across the middle of it... maybe I'll try to take one later. 

So what do you guys think? Do you love Christmastime?

Thanks for reading and make sure you enter my Super Awesome 100 Follower Giveaway! It's open to U.S. and Canada residents only so click HERE to go to it :)


  1. Oh they look delicious! Great start to the holiday season.

    1. Thanks lady!! :) I'm going to be so sad taking these off tonight :'( LOL

  2. I want! Can you do momma nails in those tonight?

  3. Candy canes was my first thought LOL - the colors are so well chosen!!

    1. LOL! Thanks so much! :) I was surprise at how well the Color Club polish stamped :)

  4. CANDY CANES!! LOL these look awesome Kristine! I'm seriously craving some now, haha.

    1. LOL Thanks so much!! :D I totally almost went out to the store to pick some up after I did these ;) I should have though because it would have looked cute to take a pic with my nails and the candy canes... oh well haha!

  5. Oooohhh! Candy canes! I love them! I can't believe Christmas is just around the corner.

    1. Thank you!! :D and me either! Cheistmas time is my favorite time of year but I'm sad to say I don't even have half of my shopping done O.O uh oh LOL

  6. I'd ask to suck on your fingers cuz your nails look yummy, but it might be misconstrued. LOL

    1. Hahahaha I just died reading this comment :) thanks doll!

  7. I am participating in this challenge:
    I read it somewhere and it seems like fun. You have such a following you would do really well. Come and polish with me! Haha. Hope you had a rad Thanksgiving.

    1. Oooooh I'm going to check it out now!! And I hope you had an awesome Thanksgiving too lady!!! :D
