
Friday, November 23, 2012

The Lazy 15: Underwater creatures

Hello all!!

Better late then never right? ;) Today's challenge for the Lazy 15 is underwater creatures! This started as a really great idea but turned out so-so on my nails... My splitting headache didn't really help me much  :( Oh well it must be done!! So here you guys go!

Colors used:
- Sally Hansen Teal Steel
- Maybelline Wet Shine H2O Pink
- Sinful Colors Cream Pink 

Didya guys get it?! They're jellyfish wooo!!! LOL They're pretty cute... from a distance that is ;) But UGH please please ignore my pointer finger :( It really doesn't look that weird in real life but I've been so sad since I lost the corner the other day -_-

So what do you guys think?!
The other challengers are below so don't forget to go check them out!!! :)

OH and if you all haven't checked out my super awesome 100 follower giveaway yet CHECK IT OUT! :) Its only open to U.S. and Canada residents sorry all my international followers :( Ill have another soon though so don't worry!! Click HERE to go to the giveaway!!! 

Thanks for reading all!!


  1. I knew these were jelly fish right away - I think they're cute!

    1. Oh good! I was afraid you guys would be like... Um what?? Hahaa thank you!! :)

  2. Awesome!! I totally see jelly fish!

    1. Breathing a sigh of relief at the moment! LOL Thanks so much!! :)

  3. What a great idea! You definitely made my entry look silly (not that it was difficult...;)

    1. Thanks so much! :) And your entry is awesome silly!! I really loved it :)

  4. I was a good idea & done well! (ok lil faces might have upped the cute factor lol)

    1. OMG I was THIS CLOSE to putting lol faces on them! Hah if my headache wasn't as bad as it was I totally would have! But thanks much! :)
