
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Gobble gobble!

Happy Thanksgiving all!! :)

Can I just say I'm SO ready to eat a ton of turkey?! Yum! LOL 

I've got my Thanksgiving Day nails to show you guys.... when I sat down to paint these last night I had absolutely no idea what I was going to do :( So I decided to google "Thanksgiving nails" and see if I could get some inspiration! And whaddaya know? I stumbled upon THESE nails by Miss Jen Fabulous over at Polish and Pearls! And I've discovered that she's so awesome!! So you guys better go check her site out! :) 

Anyways I really liked the whole turkey feather look but I wanted to do something more... you know because I can never leave well enough alone ;) I knew I wanted to do a cute little turkey so I returned to trusty Google and found THIS adorable picture of a turkey! Naturally I tried to recreate this on my nail and I really like the way they came out! 

Whew this is turning out to be quite a wordy post! lol Without any further ado I present my Thanksgiving nails! :)

Colors used:
- Finger Paints Paper Mache
- Sinful Colors Unicorn
- Ms. Pedicure Red
- Wet n Wild Sunny Side
- Black Acrylic Paint
- White Acrylic Paint
- Brown Acrylic Paint
- Light Brown Acrylic Paint

Ugh I hate the fact that I lost the corner on my pointer :( And don't mind the cuticles they're totally hating on me right now ;) LOL But awwwww little turkey baby! 

So what do you guys think? What are you grateful for? :)

I hope everyone who is celebrating Thanksgiving has a fantastic one and all who are not still have a fantastic day!!  

Thanks for reading and don't go far..... in a couple of seconds my giveaway is going to be LIVE!!!! :D Woohoo!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving!!!!! Your turkey is ADORABLE!!!! So freaking cute!!!!! I like him better than mine! I'm definitely grateful for my friends and family, and kinda for blogging. I have met so many great people through my blog and seriously loooove it! hope you have an amazing day!!!!

    1. Awwww thank you! And Happy Thanksgiving to you too!!!:D I'm going to look at your turkeys now I can't wait to see them :) And I think I'm kinda grateful for blogging too.... Because I would have never met you or any of the amazing people that I have through it :) I hope you eat lotsa turkey!!! ^.^

  2. Happy Thanksgiving from the UK, that Turkey is really cute. I'm thankful for (as long as my friends and family), having a job and a passion :) xx

    1. Aww thanks!! I'm pretty grateful for my job too and I'm so happy I've found you all through blogging :)

  3. The li'l turkey is so cute - and Happy Thanksgiving :)

    1. Thanks so much!! :) and Happy Thanksgiving to you too!!! :D

  4. OMG Your turkey reminds me of Precious Moments with those big cute eyes. I love him!

    1. LOL I love Precious Moments!!! Thanks so much lady!! :)

  5. That is THE cutest nail art turkey EVER!!!

    1. Awwwwwww let me tell you I sure had a hard time taking this little guy off! Lol thanks so much! :)

  6. This is the most adorable turkey I have ever seen--I love these!!
