
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Lazy 15: Disney Movies

Good morning all!

Today is another day of the Lazy 15 and can I just say this prompt is NOT lazy?!? lol! Anyways be prepared... I'm going to cop out on you guys -_- I'm using a mani that I've already done I'm sorry!!! Though I don't think many of you have seen this mani. I actually did do a design for this last night but I just couldn't stand it!! I ran out of time so I rushed it and it just wasn't any good in my book :( MAYBE I'll show you a pic at the end though... maybe :) 

The design I'm going to show you now is from Finding Nemo one of my favorite movies!! Woohoo! lol! I'm sorry again if you guys have already seen this one but I'm actually pretty proud of the way these came out :) And it's back when I had longer nails!! XD So take a look!!

Oh gloriously long nails how I miss you!!! I really loved wearing this mani I think I wore it for a record 3 days!! 

And because I said maybe.... here's the one I did last night it's Aristocats my favorite Disney movie :) Hey I've gotta show you some fails every once in a while right? ;)

Well actually I wouldn't call this a fail at all I did sort of like the way it came out I just wish I had had more time to work on it! It's definitely one of those manis that look better from afar :) 

So what do you guys think? What's your favorite Disney movie?! 

Thanks for reading and I SWEAR my giveaway should be out tonight so get ready!! :)
And make sure you check out all of the other challengers below! 


  1. These are ridiculously good! I adore both movies! Fabulous as always!

    Jazz x

    1. Thank you so much!! :) These took me literally forever!! I think I worked on them for three hours LOL!

  2. OMG, seriously jaw-dropping here! How on Earth did you.. I mean you're very talented Kristine, totally admiring you now.

    1. Awww *blush* you are too sweet!!! Thank you so much!! :D

  3. These are totally awesome - so well painted :)

  4. That is NOT a fail! It is so good you goober! If you want to see a cop-out go see mine, lol!

    1. Awwwww thank you so much your so nice!! :D LOL And are you kidding me!? I LOVE your mickey mouse head nails they are SO cute!! ^.^

  5. I love them both! My design is super lazy, i'm gonna post it now :D

    1. Thank you!!! :) And I doubt they are your designs are always beautiful!!! Going to look now :)

  6. Dahling, most manis look best at arm's length! LOL Your kitties are darling & your fish are fun. Life is good!

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you!! :) I'm definitely going to revisit that mani when I have more time and do it again! :)

  8. wow, i don't know what to say, love both of these manicures :D
    nemo is cute but those kitties are so adorable, thumbs up girl <3

    1. Awwwww thanks so much!! :D You guys always make me feel so good about my designs!!! ^.^

  9. Both are totallly adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. They are both so cute and fun! I don't see any fail on the second one at all. :P I think they both came out terrific! :-)

    ~ Yun

    1. Wow thank you so much!! :) I mean I do like the way the second one came out but I just know I could have done better ya know? LOL

  11. Very very cute! And even your "fail" is adorable!

  12. Ohhhh I love them both!! So cute!!

  13. You have some great mani's! I just need to be a little braver to free hand things like this! x

    1. Aww thanks!!! :) I wanna see some more free hand from you cuz your AWESOME!! :D
