Friday, November 30, 2012

Lazy 15: Inspired by your guilty pleasure

Happy Friday!

Can I say that I'm SO happy it's Friday? What a long week it's been! Today's Lazy 15 challenge day is inspired by your guilty pleasure and let me tell you this is hilarious!! I give total credit to my bff Lisa for coming up with this one and it is so true! 

My guilty pleasure just happens to be.... macaroni and cheese :) Didn't see that one coming did ya?! I could live off of macaroni and cheese, I could eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day for the rest of my life and die happy. Strange? Maybe but I just can't quit that cheesy goodness! LOL let's see the mani!

Colors used:
- Sally Hansen Mellow Yellow
- OPI Candle Light
- Ms Pedicure Red
- Sally Hansen Gem-Stone
- Sally Hansen Teal Steel
- White Acrylic Paint

So there you have it.. my macaroni and cheese mani :) The K stands for Kraft which is the brand that I eat incase some of you lovely people out there don't eat the stuff ;) I can't wait to see what every one else comes up with!! 

Also, Don't forget about my awesome GIVEAWAY and my 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS nail art challenge! Click the links to go to those pages and enter! :)

So what do you guys think? What's YOUR guilty pleasure?

Thanks for reading all and have a fantastic Friday!! :)

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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Let's get BLINGY!

Good morning! 

This morning your all going to get another dose of momma nails!! This is quite a simple mani but I'm totally in love with it!! You all know me and shiny things ;) LOL 

Anyways my mom was just looking for something simple but eye catching at the same time... Impossible you say?! Pfft I laugh in the face of impossible!! Haha... Am I starting to sound crazy? Oops ;) Ok mini rant done let's look at some momma nails!

Colors used:
- Maybelline Color Show Bold Gold

Loving it! This look was pretty simple to create I just used glequins that I bought from the Born Pretty Store and applied them with a toothpick to her pointer nail. Add some top coat and you're done! I'm starting to have a small obsession with glequins... actually make that a rather large obsession ;) I only have silver and gold for now but I definitely need to go buy some more colors! 

So what do you guys think? Too subtle for you or would you rock it to work like my mom did? 

Thanks for reading and don't forget my awesome GIVEAWAY or my 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS nail art challenge! You guys gotta join!! 

Thanks for reading!! :)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Lazy 15: Fairy Tale

Goooood moring!!

I might as well warn you all now you are about to see some yucky cuticles -_- I did my nails so many times the night I did these they were basically crying LOL So I'm sorry you all have to witness the tragedy that is my cuticles but besides that I actually quite like the mani...

Speaking of my mani today's Lazy 15 challenge is Fairy Tale! Would you believe I had no idea what to do for this day?? I'm totally crediting Amanda over at The Nail Polish Enthusiast for giving me the idea of Disney princesses because I mean what's more fairy tale-esque then that?! LOL Oh and you guys HAVE to go check out her site she's pretty amazing!! :D 

Ok so after Amanda gave me the idea of Disney princesses I started surfing the web to get some inspiration when I came upon THIS gem! I knew instantly I wanted to try to do something like this... my version is no where near as amazing as those but I'd say they came out pretty good! So lookie lookie! :)

Colors used:
- Sally Hansen Nearly Nude Naturel Pink
- Sinful Colors Black on Black
- Ms Pedicure Red
- Sally Hansen Mellow Yellow
- Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Snappy Sorbet 
- Color Club Gift of Sparkle
- Light Blue Acrylic Paint
- China Glaze Fast Track

I hope you guys can figure out who they areee! :) Pretty cool right? I ended up liking this so much I wore it for TWO whole days! Wowie! 

So what do you guys think? Who's your favorite Disney princess? Mine's gotta be Aurora.

Don't forget about my giveaway I've got going! Click the link to enter you won't be sorry!!! :)

And if your looking for a Christmas nail art challenge to join click HERE to join the one Lorene at Over Polished Nails and myself created it's going to be so much fun! And one lucky person that completes the challenge with us will win a New Years themed prize! So hurry!! :)

Thanks for reading guys!
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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Christmas Stripes part 1

Good morning all!

Today I have part one of a two part mani! Yep you heard me right LOL This mani is technically only halfway done but I liked it so much this way I decided to stop and take some pics :) But because it is only halfway done the cleanup isn't the best so forgive me! ;) 

I absolutely love green and gold and I finally get to use them together because it's almost Christmas YAY! :) 

Colors used:
- Color Club Ho Ho Holly
- Sally Hansen Golden-I

I'm so proud of how crisp these lines are!! I made them using the striping tape the amazing Nicole over at Glitter Me This sent me :) You all have to check out her blog she's awesome!!!!  

You all will be seeing part two some time soon around here so keep your eyes open for it because you will LOVE it ;)

What do you guys think?

Oh and two side notes!

*One: Reminding you all again to enter my Super Awesome 100 Follower Giveaway! The   prizes are cool so make sure you get your name in there!!! :D
*Two: Lorene at Over Polished and myself have created a Christmas nail art challenge for December and would love for you all to join us!! Click HERE to sign up for it! And if you complete all the days you'll be entered in a drawing to win a New Years themed prize pack woo!!! So sign up and do it with us! :D

Thanks for reading :)

Monday, November 26, 2012

12 Days of Christmas Nail Art Challenge!

Hello again all you lovely readers!

If you read my previous post you'll know that Lorene over at Over Polished and myself have created a Christmas Nail Art Challenge and would LOVE for all you guys to join in!! Who wants to do 12 days of Christmas nails awesome-ness?! I know I do! ;)

And the Christmas season wouldn't be complete without gifts! That's why we are offering an awesome prize pack to one lucky person who completes the challenge with us! Will it be YOU? Well you gotta sign up and be down for the challenge with us to find out!! ;) 

Take a look at the challenge days!

Major props to Lorene who created this AMAZING graphic!
 I mean seriously look at that fabulousness!!! 


In the graphic above you can see the date and theme for challenge. There are 3 challenges every week for 4 weeks. The first three weeks have the challenges spread across the entire week. For Christmas week, the challenges are three consecutive days ending on Christmas Day

Please publish your challenge on the date specified. You should include the Inlinkz code that we provide you via email at the bottom of your post. You’ll also need to add the link to your post to the Inlinkz collection.

If for some reason you can’t complete the challenge on that date, don’t worry. We’ll leave our Inlinkz collections open to submissions until the end of December. You will be emailed a different Inlinkz collection code for each challenge day.


Please add your website to the Inlinkz collection below to join our challenge. Make sure you enter the correct email or you will not receive the inlinkz embed codes for each challenge.

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If you complete all 12 challenges by December 26, 2012 you will be entered to win a New Year's Nail Polish Prize Pack (details coming soon!). You must sign up and post all challenges to the provided Inlinkz collections in order to be eligible. We will randomly select one winner. Winners outside of the US will be responsible for any import duties or taxes on the prize.

Feel free to download and repost the Challenge Graphic above or use this side bar graphic.


Please leave a comment below and we'll try to answer it for you.

Lazy 15: Bonfire / Fireworks

Happy Monday all!! -_-

Well maybe not so happy LOL! Today's challenge from the Lazy 15 is Bonfire night / Fireworks. I tried to do a really cool fireworks mani that I had in my head but alas after three fails I decided a bonfire it would be!! These nails turned out pretty cool even though I really had no idea what I was doing, I was basically just throwing some random lines on there but hey, it worked ha! So take a look! :)

Colors used:
- Sinful Colors Black on Black
- OPI Candlelight
- Ms Pedicure Red
- Wet n Wild Kaleidoscope

Hmm pretty cool right? I tried to get the flames to look like they were fading into the sky :) 

So what do you guys think?

Reminder again ;) Make sure you enter my Super Awesome 100 Follower Giveaway HERE! You guys are amazing and I really want to thank you!! :) 

Also... I hope you all will check out my next post coming in a few seconds... the lovely Lorene  from Over Polished and myself have created a Christmas Challenge!! WOO :) You guys can sign up to do the challenge with us... the next post has all the deets! I hope you all join because it will be so much fun!! 

Thanks for reading guys :)

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Weave-y dude!

Happy Sunday everyone :)

Today I've got some nail art that I've been dying to do ever since I saw Lucy over at Lucy's Stash do them! She was even nice enough to put out a tutorial so all us admirers could do it ourselves! Obviously they aren't as good as hers.... she's literally AMAZING!! Ok fangirl moment is over LOL 

The design is called a weave because it looks like a weaved basket to me at least :) AND I finally got a chance to try out China Glaze Angel Wings! Two birds one stone ;)

Colors used:
- China Glaze Angel Wings
- Black Acrylic Paint

And some sunlight pics to show you guys the pretty holo pieces in Angel Wings :)

Mmmmmm gotta love a scattered holo! :) You can see Lucy's awesome tutorial HERE. I encourage you to check it out and everything else she really is amazing! Her tutorial is very easy to follow too! 

Oh and if you're liking Angel Wings don't forget it's part of prize pack 2 in my Super Awesome 100 Follower Giveaway so make sure you enter HERE!! :D

So what do you guys think?

Thanks for reading :)

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Getting in the spirit!

Good morning polish friends! :)

So all of you are about to find out rather quickly that I absolutely LOVE Christmastime! Everything about it: shopping, buying presents, fighting the crowds, snow, Christmas music, and just the general attitude of everyone. I just can't get enough of it! Although I always wait until after Thanksgiving to start listening to Christmas music ;) 

BUT since it's now after Thanksgiving I'd like to present you all with my first Christmas design of the year!! :)  

Colors used:
- Color Club Berry & Bright
- Finger Paints Well-Cultured Pearl

*sigh* my ring finger got all wrinkly! I just can't win lately!! LOL oh well :) I literally can't stop staring at these! They remind me so much of candy canes its a miracle I haven't licked my nails yet ;) I used Bundle Monster BM-207 for the stamp, it's such a perfect stamp for this! I wish I had taken a pic of my thumb tho it's really cool because the design only goes across the middle of it... maybe I'll try to take one later. 

So what do you guys think? Do you love Christmastime?

Thanks for reading and make sure you enter my Super Awesome 100 Follower Giveaway! It's open to U.S. and Canada residents only so click HERE to go to it :)

Friday, November 23, 2012

The Lazy 15: Underwater creatures

Hello all!!

Better late then never right? ;) Today's challenge for the Lazy 15 is underwater creatures! This started as a really great idea but turned out so-so on my nails... My splitting headache didn't really help me much  :( Oh well it must be done!! So here you guys go!

Colors used:
- Sally Hansen Teal Steel
- Maybelline Wet Shine H2O Pink
- Sinful Colors Cream Pink 

Didya guys get it?! They're jellyfish wooo!!! LOL They're pretty cute... from a distance that is ;) But UGH please please ignore my pointer finger :( It really doesn't look that weird in real life but I've been so sad since I lost the corner the other day -_-

So what do you guys think?!
The other challengers are below so don't forget to go check them out!!! :)

OH and if you all haven't checked out my super awesome 100 follower giveaway yet CHECK IT OUT! :) Its only open to U.S. and Canada residents sorry all my international followers :( Ill have another soon though so don't worry!! Click HERE to go to the giveaway!!! 

Thanks for reading all!!
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