Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Cartoon Nails with China Glaze Too Yacht To Handle

Hey guys!

Remember when I told you I was on the hunt for the perfect min polish?? Well..... I FOUND IT! And I'm never ever ever letting it go ;) China Glaze Too Yacht To Handle may be my absolute favorite color in the whole world, that's saying something since my favorite color is pink. CG TYTH is the perfect creamy, bordering on neon, mint polish with a beautiful formula. Check out the design I created using it! 

I started off with a base of China Glaze Too Yacht To Handle. When it dried I created the outline using Wet n Wild Black Creme and I added the "shine" with white acrylic paint. Finally I used NYC Matte Me Crazy for a flat finish! 

I'm so in love with these you guys have no idea! And definitely keep your eyes on the blog for some more China Glaze Too Yacht To Handle yumminess, I'm sure I'll be reaching for it quite often in the future!! :) 

What's your favorite polish?

Thanks loves :) 

Monday, July 28, 2014

Azature: Swatch Spam!

Hey guys! 

I received a lovely package in the mail the other day containing some Azature beauties that I just couldn't wait to share with you all! So....... wanna take a look at some Azature swatch spam?! 

Super bright coral creme. Perfect creamy formula. Swatch is two coats with top coat. 

Gorgeous mint jade creme. Great formula, swatch is two coats with top coat. 

Bright yet slightly dusty cobalt blue creme. Awesome formula, swatch is two coats with top coat.

Not sure why this one is called lavender... it's much more of a mulberry creme. Still so pretty though. Formula was same as the above polishes. Swatch is two coats with top coat. 

Bright medium pink creme. Formula was same as the others, swatch is two coats with top coat.

I'm so loving these bright colors from Azature! 

Azature polishes retail for $25.00USD for a 15mL bottle. These polishes along with so many other amazing colors can be found at Stay up to date with new polishes and products by following Azature:

*Products in this post were provided by Azature in exchange for my honest opinion. For more information see my disclosure policy.

What do you guys think? Will you be picking up any of these pretties?
Thanks loves! :) 

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Peaches and Cream dotted and spotted

Ever have one of those days. You know what I'm talking about, those days where you barely have enough time to paint your nails but your base is just DYING for some art? Yeah call me crazy all you want you know you know what I'm talking about!! ;) 

Well that happened to me just recently! I was getting ready to go out and I couldn't decide what to paint my nails. Being short on time I figured I would just paint my nails a nice peach and that would be that. WRONG! That peach was just begging me for something, ANYTHING to be added on top. So of course being that nice little nail blogger that I am I obliged ;) I knew it needed to be quick so I grabbed my dotting tools and away I went!

I started off with a base of Lime Crime Peaches <3 Cream. I used three different sized dotting tools to create the dots and I used black and white acrylic paint and China Glaze Turned Up Turquoise. I topped it off with Essie Good To Go and I was ready for the night!

These nails were so quick and easy to create and I got so many compliments on them! Sometimes all it takes are those simple designs to really make people go 'wow'. And I really actually enjoy dotted nail designs, they're so much fun. Oh and you know I'm on a role with these Instagram tutorial videos so make sure you check this one out too ;) 

Alright guys I need you! Tell me, what's your favorite dotted nail design?!

Thanks loves :)
Don't forget to enter The Great Polish Giveaway hosted by Nail Polish Canada! Click the link to go to the rafflecopter in my post!! 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Mint chocolate chip marbled

I don't know about you guys but this summer I've been crazy for mint! Mint clothes, mint makeup, mint nail polish.... mint everything!!! 

Up until recently though I didn't have much for mint colored nail polish, a shame I know! So I went on the hunt for two specific colors, China Glaze For Audrey and China Glaze Too Yacht Too Handle. And can I say, best purchases I've ever made!! For today, my manicure showcases the gorgeousness that is China Glaze For Audrey. Ready to take a look?

I started off with a base of Essie Blanc on all of my nails. For the watermarble nails I used Essie Blanc, China Glaze For Audrey, and Wet n Wild Black Creme. For the gradient nails I used Essie Blanc and China Glaze For Audrey and I added a coat of Hard Candy Black Tie Optional on top. I topped everything off with Essie Good To Go and then added NYC Matte Me Crazy for a flat finish. 

I'm definitely loving the matte finish on these!! Although I wish I didn't smudge my marble on my middle finger :( *sigh* What can ya do though?! 

OH! And I've been getting pretty good at these 15 second Instagram video tutorials!! I have two for this particular design and they should be posted shortly so make sure you head over to my IG account and check them out!! ;) 

Thanks loves :) 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Belated graduation nails

Hey guys!

Man, these nails are LATE! I was supposed to post them in the beginning of June... oops ;) Now I'm not the one that graduated, it's actually my boyfriend's little sister that did. She graduated from high school woooooo! I remember being so damn excited to get out of school I basically ran out those doors. Yeah, I was one of those people who hated school, I got good grades but just hated every second of it. Eh, it's not for everyone I guess. Anyways I knew she was so excited and I just had to create some nails just for the occasion and I knew exactly what to do!! Check out below to see what I decided on :) 

Okay so the school colors are white and blue so I knew where to start... With a base of Essie Blanc on all of my nails except my thumb and ring. When they dried I stamped over them using Bundle Monster BM-H23 and Maybelline Color Show Navy Narcissist. I added China Glaze Fairy Dust on top for a little extra sparkle. On my ring and thumbs I started with a base of Sally Hansen InstaDri Silver Sweep. I added two sponged coats of Hard Candy Celebrate Sequins (oh my holo!). And for one final touch I stamped a graduation cap on my thumb with Bundle Monster BM-H23 and Maybelline Color Show Navy Narcissist. I finished off all of my nails with a generous coat of Essie Good To Go

I love these nails SO MUCH! And I really loved how convenient it was that Bundle Monster had a stamping plate with super cute little graduation caps. Oh and my ring finger was seriously blinding in the sunlight, talk about accident causing nails lol! 

How about you guys, did you love of hate school?

Thanks loves :)

Monday, July 21, 2014

Sally Hansen Color Foil partial swatches

Hey guys!

Sally Hansen recently came out with their Color Foil collection, a collection of ten "aluminum finish" polishes to give your nails a one-of-a-kind metallic mirror foil finish. I've got three of the ten shades to share with you guys today if you want to take a look!

Now I have to say beforehand that because of the metallic foil finish these polishes have, they are REALLY good at showing every. single. imperfection. -_- My nails have a bit of a wave towards the cuticle, usually you guys can't tell but in these photos you'll be able to see. But the wave is just my nail, it has nothing to do with the polish.The formula however is a bit tricky, because of the metallic finish it dries rather quickly and you have to be careful applying it. So if you work quickly and carefully then you won't have a problem! 

Bright blue chrome. Two coats with top coat. 

Mint green chrome. Two coats with top coat. 

Yellow leaning green gold chrome. This leaned extremely green on me, but other swatches I see around have it looking more gold so I think its just me ;) Two coats with top coat. 

Sally Hansen Color Foil collection retails for $6.99USD for a 10mL bottle. These polishes along with so many more colors can be found at and various retail stores. Stay up to date with new polishes, products, promos, and sales by following Sally Hansen: 

*Products in this post were provided by Sally Hansen in exchange for my honest opinion. For more information see my disclosure policy.

What do you guys think? Will you be picking up any polishes from the Color Foil collection?

Thanks loves :) 

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Neon French Manicure with China Glaze Pool Party

You know what really bothers me? When I'm running out of a particular polish that I love and go to buy a new one only to find that it's been completely reformulated!! 

Now I've heard that China Glaze Pool Party had been changed through the grapevine but it still get on my nerves when I just want to original formula! Now don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore the new color, but I really really loved the old neon pink deliciousness. Ugh.

Oh well though right? I can't tell companies what to do and not to do with their polishes that's their prerogative ;) So now that I've had my little vent sesh let's get on to the nails shall we? I've been loving colored tip french manicures a lot lately and what's better then some neon tips?!

I started off with a base of OPI Bubble Bath, the perfect base for a french manicure. When it was completely dry I took some reinforcement hole stickers and put them right by my smile line, I went a bit above because I wanted an exaggerated free edge ;) Then I painted China Glaze Pool Party (new formula -_-) over the tip and removed the sticker. I added some China Glaze Fairy Dust on top because I can and I love sparkles! And one coat of Essie Good To Go to seal everything in. 

OH! And I made an instagram tutorial video!!!! My second one ever wooooooooooo! So make sure you go follow me @pinkandpolishednails to check it out (You can click the link and it will take you there!) 

I really enjoyed the blindingly bright tips, they never failed to capture my attention especially if it was sunny out ;) 

What's your favorite color for french tip nails?

Thanks loves :) 

Friday, July 18, 2014

Nail Polish Canada "The Great Polish Giveaway of 2014!"

Hey guys!

I've got some super exciting news for you guys today! Nail Polish Canada is hosting "The Great Polish Giveaway of 2014" sponsored by NCLA, Picture Polish, and Cirque Colors. This may be the biggest giveaway ever created! 

How it works:
The prize started out at 0 and then when each blogger signs up they get to choose one polish to add to the prize. The prize can grow to a maximum of 200 polishes!! Can you imagine that nail mail?! Seriously this could be a dream come true! ;)

How to enter:
You can get three entries here on my blog by using the rafflecopter below. If you want to get even more entries you can enter again on Nail Polish Canada's site and also see the current prize list, and you can get more entries by going to each blogger's site that has entered a polish into the pot. Maybe it's a lot of work.... but wouldn't you do whatever it takes to win up to 200 gorgeous polishes?!

Are you a blogger? Do you want to become part of The Great Polish Giveaway?! Click the link here and you'll find the form to add your blog and select the polish you want to give!

Oh and before I forget! I've decided to add Cirque Electric Circus to the prize, I think you guys may drool over it's prettiness, it's actually been a lemming of mine ever since I saw the first swatches ;) 

So what are you guys waiting for?!?! It would be such a shame to miss out on a huge giveaway like this so hurry up and enter!! 

*Open to US and Canadian residents only*
Ends August 15, 2014

Thanks loves :)