Tuesday, October 16, 2012

HNAC Day 16: Bats

Hi everyone!

Today's prompt for Glitter Obsession Halloween Nail Art Challenge is bats! Now day 19 in Lacquer Dreams Halloween challenge is bats too so we're about to get really batty over here!! (excuse the lame joke I'm tired LOL) Anyways, I found that I had more trouble with this prompt then I thought I would. To be completely honest I'm not a huge fan of either of the bat manis I did but I'm gunna show them to you guys anyways ;) Ok so here you guys go! Day 16 bats :)

 Colors used:
- All Polished Up Dark Blue (I'm just calling it that because there was no name or number)
- Ms Pedicure Red
- Black Acrylic Paint
- White Acrylic Paint

Yeah I know it's really hard to see and I should have used a lighter background polish but I was already way too far into the mani to start over by the time I realized it :( But basically there is a tree on my pointer finger with a branch extending to the rest of my nails and some bats hanging upside-down with red glowing eyes :) I really liked the concept of this mani I think I'll revisit the idea soon and try again with a MUCH lighter polish :) It's not the best but hey it's not too shabby either :)

So what do you guys think?? Make sure you check out all of the other challengers below I can't wait to see what everyone did for bats! *Will update when I get the code :)*

Thanks for reading :)

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